
Harnessing GenAI in Patent Drafting - Webinar Recap


In an era where technology continually reshapes the landscape of various industries, the legal sector, and more specifically, the patent law domain, faces its own set of unique challenges. Rapid innovation, escalating volumes of patent applications, and evolving client expectations are just the tip of the iceberg.

This article delves into our most recent webinar (see the full replay here) where we discussed these challenges, and put a spotlight on the pivotal role of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in revolutionizing patent drafting practices.

The challenges that patent lawyers and law firms are facing today

The patent law industry is contending with a dynamic and challenging environment marked by rapid technological advancements and evolving client expectations. As innovation accelerates, the number of patent applications continues to rise, straining the industry's capacity to manage this influx with quality and efficiency.

Data collected over the past few years highlight the challenges that patent law firms and practitioners face today:

Patent Applications Filed at the USPTO

Growth in Patent Applications: There has been a steady increase in patent applications over the years, reaching nearly 800,000 annually at the USPTO. This rise signifies a growing demand for intellectual property protection, likely driven by increased innovation and competition in various industries.

Active Practitioners by Years of Practice

Practitioner Experience Disparity: While the total number of active practitioners has also grown, the graph indicates a sharper increase in practitioners with less than ten years of experience compared to those with over ten years. This could suggest a generational shift in the field or a recent surge in new entrants, which might impact the collective experience level of the practitioners.

Patent Applications Filed per Active Practitioner

Patent Applications per Practitioner: The number of applications filed per active practitioner shows a contrasting trend for experienced versus less experienced practitioners. Those with over ten years of practice, presumably if they prepared all applications, show an increase in their workload, while newer practitioners, if they prepared all applications, show a decrease. This disparity could imply a heavier reliance on experienced practitioners to handle complex cases or a potential mentorship and training gap.

Additionally, the transition from hourly fee billing to flat fee billing structures is another trend that pressures patent law firms. This shift aims to provide cost certainty to clients but challenges firms to maintain profitability while delivering high-quality service. As clients become more knowledgeable and discerning, the expectation for value-added services increases, and tolerance for billing perceived as excessive for routine tasks diminishes.

Why is GenAI an essential tool in this field?

Historically, AI's role in intellectual property (IP) was limited due to its inability to handle complex legal language. However, advancements in AI, specifically with large language models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, have significantly improved its capabilities in understanding and processing legal jargon. There are claims that GPT-4 can pass a portion of the bar exam, exceeding the average score of human bar exam takers. This benchmark suggests that AI can comprehend and apply legal knowledge to a certain extent.

Today, generative artificial intelligence, or GenAI, is emerging as an indispensable asset for the patent law industry to tackle some of its most pressing challenges. GenAI refers to AI systems that can generate new content after being trained on large datasets. In the case of patent drafting, GenAI tools can now produce accurate, detailed, and legally compliant documents, which was previously a challenge for AI.

GenAI is not just a tool for improving productivity; it represents a paradigm shift in the patent law industry. By leveraging GenAI, firms can address the dual demands of increased workload and the need for high-quality, legally sound patent applications, all while optimizing their internal operations and adapting to the evolving landscape of their field. Innovative firms investing in technology and integrating AI efficiently into their operations will likely emerge as leaders in the patent law industry.

How GenAI is impacting the patent prosecution practice

The introduction of tools like davinci, our GenAI-powered patent drafting application, is poised to revolutionize patent drafting and prosecution by streamlining processes, improving application quality, and freeing human experts to focus on more strategic work.

Here are just some of the ways that GenAI tools like davinci can empower lawyers in the patent field:

  • Volume of Patent Applications: The sheer volume of patent applications is increasing relentlessly. GenAI can handle the repetitive and time-consuming tasks associated with patent drafting, allowing human practitioners to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of patent law.
  • Efficiency and Time Management: GenAI can significantly reduce the time spent drafting patent applications. For instance, davinci could save up to 50% of the time typically spent on a patent application. This efficiency is achieved by automating the generation of draft specifications and enabling practitioners to focus on refining the drafts instead of building them from scratch.
  • Cost and Billing Structures: With the shift from hourly to flat fee billing, firms are under pressure to deliver value efficiently. AI can help streamline operations, reduce costs, and allow firms to offer more competitive and transparent pricing to their clients.
  • Standardization and Quality Control: Tools leveraging GenAI can help standardize the quality of patent applications by ensuring consistent use of terminology and adherence to best practices. Lawyers using davinci, for example, can instruct the GenAI tool to use a specific layout and style and replace words that do not reflect the specifications of clients and firms. davinci can be fine-tuned to suit the particular requirements of different legal environments, jurisdictions, and technological domains.

Patent drafting with davinci: how does it work?

As a patent lawyer, patent drafting begins with discussions and input from the client/inventor. With davinci, patent lawyers can take a variety of data from their clients and upload it securely on the platform. Input can come in the form of claims, disclosures, drafts of drawings, additional notes from the inventor, and conversations. This multifaceted input process allows davinci to understand the invention's nuances from multiple angles, ensuring a comprehensive base for drafting.

Once the information is uploaded, davinci's AI analyzes the inputs and generates various sections of the patent application. It provides:

  • A background that contextualizes the invention.
  • A summary that captures its essence.
  • A brief description of figures to guide through visuals.
  • A detailed description that delves into the technicalities.

Patent attorneys then review and refine these drafts, leveraging their expertise to ensure legal accuracy and to infuse the application with strategic considerations that only experienced human judgment can provide.

Further, davinci facilitates a review process where practitioners can invite colleagues to collaborate, ensuring that the patent application benefits from collective expertise. This collaborative environment, augmented by AI, leads to the production of high-quality patents that stand the scrutiny of examination and potential litigation.

What about security?

Davinci’s safety and security features are foundational to its design and operation, ensuring that it meets the stringent requirements of the patent law industry.

  1. No Data Retention: It is stated unequivocally that there is no data retention on davinci’s part, which means client data is not stored, utilized for retraining the AI, or used for any purpose other than the task it was provided for.
  2. Infrastructure and Compliance: davinci operates with separate infrastructures in the US and Europe, adhering to regional data protection regulations and ensuring that data sovereignty is respected.
  3. Industry Certifications: The platform maintains high standards of security and confidentiality with certifications like SOC2 Type II and ISO 27001. These certifications are internationally recognized standards that ensure the security of information and data.
  4. Trusted by Experts: davinci’s commitment to security has earned it the trust of reputable clients, including departments like the Department of Defense in the United States, which underscores its credibility and reliability.
  5. Privacy and Security Audits: Regular audits are conducted to ensure that davinci’s practices align with its stated security and privacy commitments, providing an additional layer of trust and verification.

Want to know more about davinci?

If you've got more questions or if you're intrigued by the possibilities that davinci offers for transforming patent drafting, we have an exciting opportunity for you. Join our waitlist to stay at the forefront of legal technology innovation. We are slowly rolling out the product to select customers.